Files are organised as follows:
.github // GitHub-specific
build // Where OpenCOR is built
cmake // Files used to build OpenCOR
distrib // Files used to package OpenCOR
├─ linux // Linux-specific
├─ macos // macOS-specific
└─ windows // Windows-specific
doc // Documentation
ext // Where external packages are retrieved
i18n // Internationalisation files
models // Sample CellML files
└─ tests // Test files
├─ cellml // Test CellML files
├─ combine // Test COMBINE archives
├─ jupyter // Test Jupyter notebooks
└─ sedml // Test SED-ML files
res // Resource files
├─ flags // Images from the Printable world flags library
├─ oxygen // Images from the Oxygen library
└─ translations // Qt translation files
scripts // Scripts used to build/package OpenCOR
src // Source code files
├─ 3rdparty // Third-party libraries statically linked to OpenCOR
│ ├─ diff_match_patch // diff-match-patch
│ ├─ linux // Linux-specific
│ │ ├─ icu // ICU
│ │ └─ mesa // Mesa
│ ├─ QtSingleApplication // QtSingleApplication
│ └─ QtWebKit // QtWebKit
├─ misc // Files that do not fit anywhere else
├─ plugins // Plugins
│ ├─ dataStore // Plugins to store and manipulate data
│ ├─ editing // Plugins to edit files
│ ├─ miscellaneous // Plugins for various things
│ ├─ organisation // Plugins to organise files
│ ├─ sample // Sample plugins
│ ├─ simulation // Plugins to simulate files
│ ├─ solver // Plugins to access various solvers
│ ├─ support // Plugins to support various third-party libraries
│ ├─ test // Test plugins
│ ├─ thirdParty // Plugins to access various third-party libraries
│ │ ├─ CellMLAPI // The CellML API as a plugin
│ │ ├─ libBioSignalML // libBioSignalML as a plugin
│ │ ├─ libgit2 // libgit2 as a plugin
│ │ ├─ libNuML // libNuML as a plugin
│ │ ├─ libSBML // libSBML as a plugin
│ │ ├─ libSEDML // libSEDML as a plugin
│ │ ├─ LibXDiff // LibXDiff as a plugin
│ │ ├─ LLVMClang // LLVM+Clang as a plugin
│ │ ├─ OAuth // OAuth 2.0 for Qt as a plugin
│ │ ├─ OpenSSL // OpenSSL as a plugin
│ │ ├─ Python // Python as a plugin
│ │ ├─ PythonPackages // Python packages as a plugin
│ │ ├─ PythonQt // PythonQt as a plugin
│ │ ├─ QScintilla // QScintilla as a plugin
│ │ ├─ Qwt // Qwt as a plugin
│ │ ├─ SUNDIALS // Part of SUNDIALS as a plugin
│ │ ├─ Zinc // Zinc as a plugin
│ │ └─ zlib // zlib as a plugin
│ ├─ tools // Plugins to access various tools
│ └─ widget // Plugins to access various ad hoc widgets
├─ tests // The main program for the tests
│ ├─ res // Resource files
│ └─ src // Source code files
└─ windows // Windows CLI version of OpenCOR